Spodnie Salewa Sesvenna 2 DST W PNT 27198-3961
- Odporne na wiatr, wodoodporne, oddychające i wytrzymałe spodnie damskie do skialpinizmu i skialpinizmu.
Salewa Sesvenna 2 DST W PNT 27198-3961
- Płaska, elastyczna talia
- Wstawka dla swobody ruchów
- 2 kieszenie zewnętrzne zapinane na zamek
- Mała kieszeń boczna
- Ergonomicznie wyprofilowane kolana
- Boczny zamek błyskawiczny na dole nogawek
- W pełni elastyczne obszycie nogawek z wewnętrznymi, silikonowymi zaciskami
- Ochrona przed ostrymi krawędziami i rakami
- Elementy odblaskowe
- Elastyczne, podwójnie szyte szwy
- Materiał w technologii Body Mapping: funkcje poszczególnych stref odpowiadają potrzebom korespondujących z nimi obszarów ciała
- Optymalne odprowadzanie wilgoci zapobiegające wyziębieniu

Fluorocarbons (PFCs) are a type of chemical used to make
products resistant to water, grease and stains. Some PFCs are
environmentally hazardous substances, which are persistent in
the environment. Up to now, there is no evidence of direct health
risks from wearing clothes with PFCs. However, PFCs released into
the environment break down very slowly and can remain there
for several hundred years. PFCs have been found in snow and
secluded mountain lakes, and even in wildlife in the Arctic. Some
outdoor gear manufacturers are working to replace long-chain (C8)
fluorocarbon-based treatments in DWR, with short-chain (C6) PFCs
that provide durability and water resistance but don’t last as long in
the environment. For this reason, since 2014 we have completely
eliminated long-chain PFCs (C8) from all our products. All of our
water-resistant products now either contain shorter-chain PFCs (C6)
or are 100% PFC-free. For SALEWA products to be used in extreme
weather conditions, it is necessary to apply C6 DWR treatment to
ensure full weather protection and warmth. We are continuously
investing to further reduce the use of C6-chemicals in our fabrics
and significantly increase the number of PFC-free products without
compromising on user-safety performance. Our current PFC-free (no
use of C6 and C8 chemicals) durable water repellent finishes can
be identified by the BIONIC FINISH® ECO label, TEFLON™ ECOELITE™
and PHOBOTEX® PFC FREE as well as the PFC-free icon. Please note
that contamination from PFCs cannot be excluded.